- 60-minute or 90-minute program for workplaces, corporations, businesses, etc.
- Workplace teams will learn, how to manage work/life balance, how to talk about mental health, how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental illness, when to get professional help, how to include mental health as a priority in the organization, and how to build a supportive, engaged workplace culture
- Delivered by experienced clinicians, offered virtually or in-person
- Evidence-based

Our programs are backed by Mental Health America, The JED Foundation, National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy, and Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
“As a manager and as a family member, I found this program extremely helpful. I gained so much clarity and education about mental health and how to talk about it to employees and to my friends and family. I highly recommend this program to everyone in the corporate workplace.”
Anonymous employee from Takeoff Technologies
“[Mental Health Collaborative] took us through the four components of mental health literacy, while focusing on how to foster a supportive work environment. We left better equipped to deal with mental health issues and suicide prevention efforts within our communities and workplaces.”
Karen E. Andreas, President and Chief Executive Officer, North Shore Chamber of Commerce
“About a year and a half ago, Windover experienced a horrific tragedy when one of our employees killed his spouse and child and then took his own life. This tragedy was extremely impactful to our organization, and we recognized we needed to do more. It was a call to action. We had always been mindful of our employees’ well-being, but this crisis required us to open our aperture of how we evaluate each employee and all our project team members. We definitely needed a plan. We needed to equip our employees, managers, and leaders with mental health training, protocol and nomenclature.
We knew we didn’t have enough in-house knowledge, nor the expertise needed to go it alone. Fortunately, we discovered Mental Health Collaborative, Inc., and began working together. We created a plan, a roadmap of sorts that our people can all use if we have concerns about a teammate, a friend, a family member, or anyone for that matter. It has also been useful for self-assessment, which has given a few members of our team the insight to seek help over the past year. We feel so very fortunate to have Mental Health Collaborative, Inc. as our partner as we monitor and address our team’s mental well-being.””
Windover Construction
Our Mental Health Literacy programs are evidenced-based and have impacted over 10,000 across the entire U.S.
Our programs are adapted from MentalHealthLiteracy.org, the worldwide leading expert in MHL. Our preventative, proactive model helps us build resilient communities through mental health education & awareness
What is Mental Health Literacy?
Explore the 4 components of Mental Health Literacy

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