Mental Health Essentials for Educators

Knowledge and tools for the classroom

  • 3-hour or 5-hour training provided to all school personnel with whom students naturally engage
  • Educators and school personnel will learn how to identify when students need referrals for mental health, who to refer to within the school, how to manage mental health in the classroom, how to talk about mental health, and how to take care of their own mental health
  • Adapted from’s Go-To Educator program
  • Delivered by experienced clinicians, offered virtually or in-person
  • Evidence-based (see data report below)

Our programs are backed by Mental Health America, The JED Foundation, National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy, and Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance


“The Educator training was a great presentation of the basics of student mental health of which all school staff should be aware, and should be skilled in addressing. We feel that this information is essential for all of our school staff to have, and are eager to bring the entire community-wide approach (staff training, student curricula, parent information sessions) to our community.”

Wellness Director Mitch Finnegan

“One of the most relevant and well-presented professional trainings in my 15 years of teaching. I’ve successfully applied this content in my work with students, my relationships with others, and with my own children”

High School Educator

Our Mental Health Literacy programs are evidenced-based and have impacted thousands of people in 20+ countries over the past 16+ years.

To our knowledge, MHC is the only organization that provides comprehensive programs on all 4 components of Mental Health Literacy in the U.S. They are adapted from, the worldwide leading expert in MHL. All of our programs are inclusive, delivered by experienced clinicians and educators, and offered virtually or in-person.

What is Mental Health Literacy?

Explore the 4 components of Mental Health Literacy

Understand how to obtain and maintain good mental health
Understand and identify mental illnesses and their treatments
Decrease stigma
Enhance help-seeking efficacy

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