- 75-minute training for athletic coaches & PE/Health/Wellness teachers
- Coaches will learn strategies to include mental health as part of the team’s culture, how to identify when athletes need referrals for mental health, how to manage mental health on the field/court, and how to take care of their own mental health
- Available as:
- A live training by MHC trainers
- A train-the-trainer model whereby the Athletic Director and Guidance Department are given all resources needed to implement the training in perpetuity (2.5 hours)*
- Delivered by experienced clinicians & educators, offered virtually or in-person
- Evidence-based
*At least one mental health professional must participate for your organization to be eligible for the Train-the-Trainer model

Our programs are backed by Mental Health America, The JED Foundation, National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy, and Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
The staff were engaging, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable about mental health. They offered concrete suggestions for helping student-athletes cope with mental health challenges and with creating a healthy team environment.
Anonymous Coach
Understanding how to approach an athlete can make a big difference in their situation.
Anonymous Coach
Great training and very helpful. The presentation was run very efficiently and professionally.
Anonymous Coach
Our Mental Health Literacy programs are evidenced-based and have impacted over 10,000 across the entire U.S.
Our programs are adapted from MentalHealthLiteracy.org, the worldwide leading expert in MHL. Our preventative, proactive model helps us build resilient communities through mental health education & awareness
What is Mental Health Literacy?
Explore the 4 components of Mental Health Literacy

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